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Completing and keeping track of collections

  • 7, Studenţilor str., block 3-103, phone 49-70-01

Analytical and synthetic processing of documents

  • 7, Studenţilor str., block 3-106, phone 49-70-01

Information Assistance (Cataloage Hall)

  • 9,Studenţilor str., block 6-513, phone 50-99-33

Scientific literature collection

  • 9,Studenţilor str.,block 6-514a, phone 50-99-33

Special editions and technical documents

  • 9,Studenţilor str., Block 6-514b, Phone 50-99-33


  • 7, Studenţilor str.,block 3-705, phone 49-70-01


  • 7,Studenţilor str., block 3-108, phone 49-70-01

Methodological assistance

  • 7,Studenţilor str., block 5-517, phone 50-99-71
