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About the UTM Library Collections & Activities


    The library organizes various scientific, cultural and educational activities for the university community:

  • Information Weeks
  • Days of Library Departments
  • Information Culture Hours
  • Bibliographic synthesis
  • Informative and thematic exhibitions (promoting institutional patrimony, promoting the profession, tribute - over 300 annually)
  • Campaigns and dedicated programs: "Library to help the licensee", "Horizon of the engineering profession", "Information culture for all"


  • books - 708265 u.m. / 62710 titles
  • magazines - 54,136 volumes / 757 titles
  • newspapers - 705 sets / 77 titles
  • special editions of documents - 30190 u.m. / 22943 titles
  • self-referenced dissertations - 3156 u.m.
  • PhD thesis - 554 u.m.
  • UTM publications (lectures, methodical, laboratory) - 220096 u.m. / 3328 titles
  • documents on electronic support - 109 u.m.
  • series publications - 2576 u.m.
  • The library holds publications in Romanian, Russian, English, French, German and so on.
  • Collection of scientific literature: monographs, treatises, scientific publications, periodicals
  • Specialized collections of faculty libraries: manuals, courses
  • Collection of references: universal and specialized encyclopedias; encyclopaedic
  • Collection special editions: standards, normative documents, technical catalogs
  • Doctoral theses, self-referenced
  • The fiction collection.
