The Library serves 14536 users, including 13005 students. Every day, it is visited by
1,000-1,400 people, which lends approximately 3000 publications.
Based on information technologies, the Library provides access to local, national and global
information infrastructure. The integrated library software "Q-Series" is used, which allows the
analytical and synthetic processing of documents (completion, classification), access to the
Electronic Catalog of the Library in the internal network and via the Internet.
Bibliographic information tools provided by the library provide direct and rapid access to
Users have:
- Catalog and file system
- Reference editions
- The Internet
- The librarian's point of view
- Consulting libraries catalogs;
Offered Services:
- Borrowing of publications at homeĀ
- Consultation of documents at the reading room
- Interlibrary loan
- Bibliographic information assistance
- Online access to EBSCO, IOPscience, Cambridge Journals Online, Oxford Reference
- Preparing bibliographies on request
- Bibliographical references
- Attribution of the UDC index to scientific papers
- Exhibitions